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Personal journeys of mental health


How Red Dead Online helped me talk to my brother about mental health

“It’s a nasty world out there, and it’s catching up with us…” It’s 2001 and a much cuter and happier me is wandering wide-eyed through a tire-trodden rugby pitch at a local car boot sale. Car boot sales are something...


The Menopause & Me by Silvana Greenfield

Thanks to a few high-profile celebs the conversation around Perimenopause and Menopause has become more mainstream, with a slow increase of representation and discussion in popular culture; yet it is still a topic that is often overlooked or avoided in...


Filling the Hole in my Heart with Ooblets by Sky Tunley-Stainton

On 3 September 2022, I lost Jerry, my eighteen-year-old cat and best friend in the world.  I moved to the UK when I was 13 after living abroad in Cyprus and the US for most of my childhood. Starting a...


Grief, Bullying, Failed Grades and Why I Am Better for It

I was born and raised smack in the middle of Nairobi City. Yes! The same Nairobi Alba Flores embodied in the acclaimed Netflix series Money Heist. The capital city of Kenya. During the first decade of my life, we lived...


How I dealt with unexpected grief by Rosie Taylor

In 2015, I went to the University of Exeter, at its Falmouth campus, to study Zoology. I remember driving up the hill on moving-in day in September, just about ready to throw up, but smiling anxiously at my parents amongst...


Creating Games With Inclusivity in Mind

An astronaut is severely immobilized. Picture this. She keeps on floating about unable to keep her feet on the ground unless she wears special boots. She can’t feed herself unless she learns to coordinate her hand-to-mouth movements. On top of...


New (And Expanding) Horizons: How Animal Crossing’s Character Creation Update Promotes the Peaceful, Easygoing Existence of BIPOC in Gaming

The date is March 20, 2020. I, like you, was indefinitely confined to my room, and palpably anxious of what the future held for me, my loved ones–the entire world, even. The four walls of my room had otherwise caved...


Reflections from my first Develop: Brighton by Mikayla Sinead

I wanted to share some of my thoughts from my experience at Develop: Brighton attending alone and for the first year. I’ve heard this event is essential, exciting and positive for the UK game industry. I can see that being...


Conquering Imposter Syndrome and Embracing My Identity as a Black Game Developer

Part of my childhood in the 90s involved going to the computer store with my Dad and picking out PC games on floppy disks. Back then, when YouTube didn’t exist, when there were no trailers or gameplay videos to watch,...


I’m Fine – by Ladell Smith

I’m fine. How many times did I say this when I really wasn’t fine? How many times did I want to scream for help but I didn’t know what to ask for or what was wrong with me? How many...


How Becoming a Game Tester Changed My Life by Marcin Romaniuk

A note from PTW: The following essay was written by Marcin Romaniuk, a member of our Glasgow Localization QA team. It’s a very personal account of their experience with mental health and how they were able to find joy through...


Taking ‘The Longest Walk’ with Sandy (Interview)

In this interview, we speak to Sandy Tarvet, developer of the game The Longest Walk, about the process of developing such a personal and emotional experience. In October 2022, Safe In Our World travelled to sunny Glasgow to attend Scottish...


Getting my ADHD Diagnosis by Julia Melvin

October marked ADHD Awareness Month but for me, 2022 has been a year of ADHD awareness as I just received my diagnosis this year. I’ve had ADHD all of my life, but I never realised it. I had never known...


Dear Younger Me by Liz

Dear younger me, Hold on, if you feel like letting go Hold on, it gets better than you know Hold on. You’re 13 and you’ve had to grow up fast. Mum left, with what felt like not so much as...


Lessons learned from taking on too much as a carer

The day I took a phone call telling me one of my parents had been diagnosed with a serious terminal illness, I thought nothing of rushing over to their home immediately. I cared deeply about them, so what else would...


The Positive Impact of The Last of Us

It’s been nearly 10 years since we first went on a journey across America with Joel and Ellie. Although I have played the game many times it’s always been funny to me how much of their journey is ingrained into...


The Effects of Burnout by Callum Underwood

Callum Underwood wrote a tweet thread about his burnout, and has kindly agreed to have it published on our website as one of our industry stories. I’ve been off Twitter since February, and wanted to give some insight as to...


How Minecraft Helped Me Combat Loneliness by Sky Tunley-Stainton

It was Christmas Day and I was 6,000km away from my partner and family. I loved my job and had made good friends while abroad, but it was very isolating to be away from my loved ones at a time...


Outgrowing Button Mashing by Ben Huxley

My last job was a cashier at a petrol station. At the end of the shift I had to count up the day’s takings while making sure a hundred-quid float remained in the till. Terrible with numbers, I counted the...


Being a Carer in the Video Games Industry

Working within the games industry can present a number of benefits and challenges that we cover in our day-to-day life, but not many of us have covered what it is like to be a carer whilst working in the games...


Keep On Keeping On: Death Stranding Proves That Positivity Promotes Successful Change by Kieran Harris

Change. It’s a scary word and one that can unleash a wave of anxiety and crippling doubt when we know that it’s coming. Change can come in many forms, be it our appearance, location, workplace or even what we have...


What Remains After ‘Edith Finch’ – by Harry Stainer

After my Grandad’s funeral I went into his old bedroom and as I looked around the room, I spotted many of his belongings – his fake Rolex watches, his books and old fishing gear, a hat he always used to...


Is BioShock a Christmas game? How Rapture helps me through the festive period following the death of my uncle by Joe Donnelly

The festive season is a time for giving. A time for family and for friends, for pulling crackers, wearing silly paper crowns and reading aloud even sillier jokes. It’s a time for watching too many novelty television specials that haven’t...


Where’s that music coming from? How fight music can help teach us reframing by Alex Dewing

I’m certain that we have all been in a situation where we’ve been overwhelmed by emotion seemingly out of nowhere. They’re situations like those in video games, where battle music swells when you thought you were just out exploring. At...




Feeling different from usual or noticed a change in your behaviour? Learn about some common feelings and mental health symptoms, how to cope with them, and where to go for help.

A-Z of mental health Feelings & symptoms Resources
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